Sunday, March 9, 2014


So, it is with great trepidation that I am begin the documentation of my journey of intuitive communication with animals. As mentioned before I am combining the teaching expertise of several fantastic communicators to help me discover my own way of making a connection. For the most part I am using Carol Gurney's 7-Step Hearttalk Program. Her program invites me to:

Find a peaceful place for myself and the animal. (heart space)

Ask the animal I would like to communicate with to join me there.

Speak and listen heart to heart.

And then wonder if I am really "connecting" with the animal or not (this last one is totally my own addition to the process!!)

Mylee & TYRONE

So I am settling down and attempting to reach TYRONE, a dear sweet fawn pug that had recently left us (I was his gran/nana) My eyes are closed and I am getting a good picture of him in my mind and in my heart, when who should pop into my heart space but Mylee, Tyrone's earthly black pug adopted sister. She has done this in other instances when I was trying to reach TYRONE as well. She did it while he was alive (interrupted interactions with him), and now continues to do so even though he is gone.

She just looks at me with her head tilted in that pug-like way that they do. That usually ends my attempt to have a conversation with Tyrone, and perhaps when my skills improve and with it my ability to concentrate I will listen to her to hear what she has to say. In the meantime I have to smile at her tenacity to join me whenever I go to my heart-space (the equivalent of pressing the button to make a call to someone on your phone) I might have to get used to the idea that she just wants to be a part of this journey with me.

Guess I will find out soon enough.



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