My desire to learn to communicate intuitvely with animals may seem like a strange way to use my time and efforts to some. I was trying to remember when I actually said hello to that dream and began my investigation into the topic. My childhood was a chaotic, jumbled up, emotional goulash of feelings and events and one constant calming force that helped me to cope with it all was my love of animals and spending time with them in their natural environment. I remember placing snails on the palm tree trunk (you know the little part that sort of peels away?) telling them that I had moved them from the sidewalk (where they most likely would be squished or have salt poured on them by my brothers) to their very own "high-rise apt". As I got a bit older I was still rescuing birds or rabbits that had been injured near our desert home in Tucson. It was not unusual for me to be late (oh well!) to my first class of the day in high school if I happened upon an injured critter in the road. Hearing a quail crying because their mate did not make it crossing the street is something one never forgets. I think I have always felt that animals (domesticated and not) were so much smarter and kinder to each other, or at least they seemed so, than humans were to other humans.
So I guess the answer as to when the animal communication became something to delve into, would have to be that it has been a intrinsic part of who I am since I can remember. I'm still not sure how far and competent I will be able to go with communicating, but at least I am going to give it a hearty effort!
Today I used the Journey to the Heart guided meditation for my lesson. What I like about this particular meditation is that Lauren invites whatever animal that is wanting to speak to me come into my heart space (more often than not it is Mylee). Today I was visited by a hawk. It looked like a Coopers Hawk, but that could be because that is the type of hawk that I most frequently encounter in this area. Not much happened during the meditation. Just some intense hawk eyes looking at me. :) That IS what Hawks do so well isn't it? Maybe next time I'll figure out why.