Monday, March 17, 2014

Hello Hawk

My desire to learn to communicate intuitvely with animals may seem like a strange way to use my time and efforts to some. I was trying to remember when I actually said hello to that dream and began my investigation into the topic. My childhood was a chaotic, jumbled up, emotional goulash of feelings and events and one constant calming force that helped me to cope with it all was my love of animals and spending time with them in their natural environment. I remember placing snails on the palm tree trunk (you know the little part that sort of peels away?) telling them that I had moved them from the sidewalk (where they most likely would be squished or have salt poured on them by my brothers) to their very own "high-rise apt". As I got a bit older I was still rescuing birds or rabbits that had been injured near our desert home in Tucson. It was not unusual for me to be late (oh well!) to my first class of the day in high school if I happened upon an injured critter in the road. Hearing a quail crying because their mate did not make it crossing the street is something one never forgets. I think I have always felt that animals (domesticated and not) were so much smarter and kinder to each other, or at least they seemed so, than humans were to other humans.

So I guess the answer as to when the animal communication became something to delve into, would have to be that it has been a intrinsic part of who I am since I can remember. I'm still not sure how far and competent I will be able to go with communicating, but at least I am going to give it a hearty effort!

Today I used the Journey to the Heart guided meditation for my lesson. What I like about this particular meditation is that Lauren invites whatever animal that is wanting to speak to me come into my heart space (more often than not it is Mylee). Today I was visited by a hawk. It looked like a Coopers Hawk, but that could be because that is the type of hawk that I most frequently encounter in this area. Not much happened during the meditation. Just some intense hawk eyes looking at me. :) That IS what Hawks do so well isn't it? Maybe next time I'll figure out why.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Guided Meditations Are Awesome!

Peaceful Place

Guided Meditations rock! It is so nice to turn my busy brain over to listening to a CD that talks me through the process. Lauren McCall (of IntegratedAnimal) offers a guided meditation CD called Journey to the Heart as an aid to Animal Communication. Softly spoken instructions, peaceful water and quiet instrumentals, all contribute to make the journey to total relaxation easy, or at least easier. Intuitive communication requires creating a receptively quiet heart space. So today I remembered that I had the CD and since I have been having a spot of trouble with the needing to quiet my brain to be able to focus business, I decided it was high time to listen to it.

I settled in on the couch and here is what transpired for the next half hour or so: "Okay, I am laying down. The CD seems a bit too loud, should I get back up to adjust the volume? That's better, back to laying down. What should I do with my hands? My feet are touching the end of the couch. What is Zoey (the cat) doing perched above my head? I wonder if she has poop under her tail? Why did I not close the window? I can hear THINGS going on outside. Maybe I should move to the bed. Guess I will restart the CD, yes this is better, breathe breathe, why did I not use my eye mask? The sun too bright. Oh well, get up, pause the CD and grap the eye mask. The lavender smells so nice. No Kona you can not jump on the bed. Quiet place here I come! Damn the phone, why didn't I silence it? Maybe I should answer the call. I will restart the CD see how it goes..."

No WONDER I could not even begin to relax enough to find my peaceful heart space!

I was finally able to allow the guided meditation to do what it's intention was to do. If I ever record one, I would start it off by seriously reminding the participant to figure out what they need to do BEFORE starting the meditation because they were not to get up until I said when!

Alternate Peaceful Place

Journey to the Heart asks the participant to picture themselves in a place that brings creates an atmoshere of quiet, reflective feelings of peace (your heart space). I have two such places that I like to visit. One is inside a cathedral, with Gregorian chants softly echoing and the earthy smell of incense and old limestone to calm my senses. The other space is a grassy beach with the salty smell of ocean air and a warm breeze to caress my face.

Once I am able to visit either space I find myself so relaxed that I have to remind myself why I went there in the first place! That is when listening to the guided meditation comes in handy, or I possibly would forget whom I was trying to "ring up".

If learning to communicate with animals is not on your agenda, then, at the very least allow yourself to use a guided meditation to get to a place of relaxation bliss. It alone is well worth the journey!

Curious if guided meditation works? Try it! You deserve ten minutes of calm!


Sunday, March 9, 2014


So, it is with great trepidation that I am begin the documentation of my journey of intuitive communication with animals. As mentioned before I am combining the teaching expertise of several fantastic communicators to help me discover my own way of making a connection. For the most part I am using Carol Gurney's 7-Step Hearttalk Program. Her program invites me to:

Find a peaceful place for myself and the animal. (heart space)

Ask the animal I would like to communicate with to join me there.

Speak and listen heart to heart.

And then wonder if I am really "connecting" with the animal or not (this last one is totally my own addition to the process!!)

Mylee & TYRONE

So I am settling down and attempting to reach TYRONE, a dear sweet fawn pug that had recently left us (I was his gran/nana) My eyes are closed and I am getting a good picture of him in my mind and in my heart, when who should pop into my heart space but Mylee, Tyrone's earthly black pug adopted sister. She has done this in other instances when I was trying to reach TYRONE as well. She did it while he was alive (interrupted interactions with him), and now continues to do so even though he is gone.

She just looks at me with her head tilted in that pug-like way that they do. That usually ends my attempt to have a conversation with Tyrone, and perhaps when my skills improve and with it my ability to concentrate I will listen to her to hear what she has to say. In the meantime I have to smile at her tenacity to join me whenever I go to my heart-space (the equivalent of pressing the button to make a call to someone on your phone) I might have to get used to the idea that she just wants to be a part of this journey with me.

Guess I will find out soon enough.



Monday, March 3, 2014

Learning Lizard Language


Looking at the date on the first post in this (used to be brand spanking new) blog, almost A MONTH has zoomed by without any documentation on my journey into the realm of Intuitive Communication. That needs to change today. I have been studying and also experimenting a bit, however it is difficult for me to trust whether the conversations I have had were with the animal or with myself! Be that as it may, I will carry on and begin a written account of how I am progressing in this whole process.

I have attended four workshops on this topic. Three have been presented by Lauren McCall . Her expertise on the topic and how she shares it with students is what has inspired me to continue on this unique path. I also attended a two hour presentation by Morgine Jurdan Currently I am doing the self/study route using Learning Their Language/Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature by Marta Williams and The Language of Animals/7 Steps to Communicating with Animals by Carol Gurney. Both books have given me plenty of suggestions to keep me busy!

So here I am learning and blogging and talking and all that, but I am not quite sure, yet, how to answer the question that is often asked: "What have you been up to lately? :) Since I am such a newbie to Intuituive Communication, and even if I wasn't, you have to admit it isn't your run of the mill topic. me: "Oh I had the COOLEST conversation with a crow that was on the powerline outside my apartment window, he was sharing how much he loved humans who were careless with disposing of their food..." (see what I mean?)

Oh well, I am glad that fitting into any special type of mold of proper behavior has never been an issue with me. So onward with the lessons and let's see how I progress!